Motivating Your Subordinates


If you want your staff achieve the results you are aiming at, you must motivate them well. How to motivate them is the million-dollar question asked again and again by Managers the world over. It is now recognized by all organizations that their most important asset is the people they employ. Unlike other assets, these human beings are very complex to deal with. Even a car with thousands of parts is a very simple thing when compared to a human being. So you must understand your people-what they want and how do they act and react in order to motivate them.

Have a thorough appraisal of the strength, weaknesses backgrounds and temperaments of the individual employees. There may be self-seeking employees, board and frustrated employees, sensitive employees or employees with over-enthusiasm or unbridled energy. In all these cases your ultimate objective should be to create an altogether new work-culture which would motivate the employee to love the work he is doing and also inspire him with greater commitment towards the organization’s goals. Make the jobs interesting by various methods, including a continuous training process to update knowledge and skills. Provide opportunities for self-development by delegating bigger and more challenging tasks. Provide occasions for frequent personal encounters with higher-ups so as to enhance their self esteem.


One of the most important things that you can do is to radiate self-confidence. Those who follow must have faith in their leaders. People work better when they sense the assurance of the person who directs their, activities. If you have a good attitude towards organization’s policies, this will be reflected among those working for you. Loyalty to your subordinates is just as important as loyalty to the organization. This can be revealed in your consideration for those working under you and in your readiness to “go to bat” for them whenever necessary.


Management at the Corporate level can use financial rewards as a motivator. Money is important because it satisfy so many needs – security, social and esteem. Also remember that money is not the only reward that the people need. They can also be motivated by recognition, praise, and the work itself-the Opportunity to achieve something extra or to take on greater responsibility. And this type of reward can sometimes be more effective than money. It is a good rule that if a worker does good job today, tell him or her of your appreciation today. People like a word of prize whenever merited. You should ensure that relationship between effort and reward is clearly defined in any financial reward system-Commissions, bonus schemes etc.


Allow your subordinates’ participation in decision-making. As an effective leader, you have to persuade your men share in the setting of the goals. People work more efficiently for your organization or at a specific task when they feel it is their own as opposed to doing something because they have been ordered to do it. You can achieve your subordinates’ participation by forming Quality Circles in your offices and by conducting Brain Storming sessions.


Establish friendly relations with your subordinates. Encourage them to ask questions and to make suggestions. Tell them what you are planning and what they must do. A smart manager uses every opportunity to talk to his people. Show sympathetic interest in their personal problems.


When you want something done, you must be able to tell your subordinates exactly what is expected of them. Explain what the employee is expected to accomplish and how he is to carryout his assignment. Spell out not only what they can get if they do well but also what they can’t get if they do badly. Make discipline a part of your job. Be consistent and fair in enforcing discipline. Endorse your rules firmly and fairly. The average employee will obey the rules. But all employees must be held to the same standards. Make your punishment fit the offence. If you let some go scot-free, the rest of your staff will loose their respect for the rules.


We have to motivate our subordinates. But how do we get motivated?” This is the question often asked by the officers of K.S.E. Board. Being a Public Sector undertaking, the scope for executive motivation is very limited in KSEB. And yet for an executive, the motivation should come from within-from challenging assignments and their achievement. As a manager, you must be equipped with natural, built-in motivation. The desire to excel is inherent in you. What you have to do is to unlock it. your biggest challenge will be to harness the creative energy in your men and enthuse them to perform and contribute to a nobler cause. Motivating people can be exciting, challenging and rewarding. And the resultant magic can work wonders for your organization.